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The rules on number portability are based partly on legislation and partly on industry agreements. It is essential for the operation of number portability in Denmark that all operators comply with the rules - whether these are found in legislation or industry agreements.
The industry agreement for management of numberporting is available Telecom Industry Association website.

Settlement between operators
Payment is made directly between the operators, OCH is neither involved in pricing or management of these terms of settlement. The terms between operators "Agreements on NP" are available on Telecom Industry Association website.

Industry agreements
Agreements between operators who want to exchange numbers. Please note that the exchange does not need to be reciprocal; the obligation is to export numbers, not to import.

Bilateral agreements regarding NP
In order for numberporting to be carried out, there should be a bilateral agreement on this.
The overall standard industry agreements is adopted by Telecom Industry Association and notified by the Danish Energy Agency and the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority. All agreements regarding NP can be found on the Telecom Industry Association website.