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Operators Clearing House A/S (OCH A/S) was established January 15th 1999 with the purpose of running and developing a shared number database to support numberportability in Denmark.

Prior to establishing OCH all operators were invited to join discussions regarding the technical background for handling and implementation of numberportability.

A technical solution based on a common number database, where all telecom operators should use the database as a reference point for exchanging information about ported numbers was agreed upon.

An independent company would operate this common database. All telecoms operators was invited to be part of this and when OCH was formally established, it was only TDC, Sonofon, Orange and Telia, who wanted to make capital available. Due of subsequent consolidations in the market TDC, Telia, Telenor and Hi3G now run OCH as equal owners with 25% stake each.

There was a lot of doubt as to whether implementing numberportability in Denmark would be a success. With only a limited amount of experience from other countries it was difficult to compare these to Denmark.

OCH has been responsible for building the common number database. The centralization of number portability in one system also ensures a simple solution where all operators only need to access one interface.

With the revision of telecommunications legislation in 2000, OCH was mentioned specifically in the preparation of the law as the provider of the common number database, that should form the basis to ensure that telecommunications operators are able to route calls between customers of different operators. This does not mean that OCH has exclusive right to operate a common database.

During the startup years of OCH the owners has provided the financial foundation, since the operating results of the first year could not finance the cost of the increasing need for expansion of OCH system.

There has always been consensus between the owners to make the necessary manpower available to OCH, as OCH is established without employees. Subsequently there has been a need for allocating more permanent resources to OCH, and today the company resides at Telia, which has also secured resources for the daily administration.

The operating results has become more stable over time, and it is evident that the Danish telecommunications customers have taken advantage of the opportunity to include the phone number when changing telephone operator.

The company consists of a board of directors, management, administration and a technical group. In addition, a service desk, as well as developers and accountants whom are all external suppliers.
Please see our information under "Contact Us" and you can see our organizational chart below.

OCH Organization